fun things i've done - sometimes with friends!


Play Guess Who online

Generate a Guess Who board to play with friends!

Currently supports playing with pre-loaded character decks.


A Mario-themed Wordle clone

Created as a puzzle challenge for the escape room at the Mario-themed CSESoc First Year Camp 2022.

For the purposes of the escape room, there is only one target word :)


Live leaderboard to track progress on informatics problems

I teach students informatics at a high school club, and I made this website so that they could have a bit of friendly competition in completing problems!


  • Authentication using school Gmail accounts
  • Leaderboard showing everyone's scores
  • User profiles showing graphs for score over time and progress so far
  • Ability to submit tokens for each problem completed, which grants points

The webapp was set up using:

  • React frontend
  • Firebase for hosting, auth, and storing the database

Finally setting up my own corner of the internet

This website was set up using:

  • Jekyll
  • HTML/CSS/Bootstrap

Not a technical project - but still fun!

In 2020, I was a subcommittee member, and in 2021 I've had the privilege of leading the team as a Media Director! With everything we do, we aim to create content that get the community talking, and highlight the varied voices of Computer Science at UNSW.

My favourite projects I've worked on:

#hackathon #web-dev

2021 CSESoc Hackathon 4th Place and People's Choice Winner

A web app that extracts questions from live lecture chats and finds the corresponding answer in the lecture recording. Developed with Ada Luong

Watch the pitch here!

My contributions included:

  • Setting up the backend Flask server to create an accessible API
  • Designing and implementing the frontend functionality using React
  • Contributing to implementing the algorithm that matched questions being asked and answered
  • Brainstorming ideas, researching the problem space, and constructing the pitch

A collection of React-based games

Current games are:

  • Tic-tac-toe
  • Minesweeper

2020 CSESoc Hackathon Finalist

Official COVID-19 advice for your DMs 😉 - a Facebook Messenger bot that keeps you up to date with current restrictions. Developed with Ada Luong, Edwina Adisusila, Ingrid Norton and Giuliana De Bellis

Watch the live pitch here!

My contributions included:

  • Conducting research into increasing the engagement of young people with COVID restrictions
  • Configuring the Facebook APIs and credentials with the Python-based bot
  • Setting up the development server and eventually deploying the bot to Heroku
  • Contributing to the logic of the Python code which would respond to user messages

Research into the genetic evolution of celiac disease

A year-long independent research project for HSC Science Extension.

Read the report, and check out the scripts I used to process genetic data!

TLDR: When I found out that predisposition to celiac disease was genetic, I thought I could find some cool evidence of natural selection - where ethnic groups from societies that started growing gluten-containing cereals earliest in history would have lower frequency of the target genes. Turns out I was wrong! Instead, I found evidence of some other genetic factors at play.


© 2021, Angeni Bai | Made using the Pudhina Fresh theme for Jekyll.